Helping leaders lead
We build governance and executive leadership capability to improve workplace health and safety.
What does great health and safety leadership look like?
Leading Safety’s mission is to help you lead in a way that ensures your people thrive and your organisation succeeds.
Senior leaders (directors, CEOs, executives, etc.) are best positioned to influence health and safety outcomes in their organisations. They have their hands on more of the levers needed to create environments where people can do great work and do so in a way that keeps them safe and well.
- How can you improve your leadership of health and safety?
- How can you meet your obligations to protect workers from physical and mental harm while getting after the opportunities these obligations create?
- What practical steps can you take to strengthen your leadership mindset and practices?
- What support is available to help you take those steps capably and confidently?
That's where we come in.
How we can help
Leading Safety will help you:
- Understand what great health and safety leadership looks like
- Be a more capable and confident leader
- Keep up to date with developments – and the latest thinking – in the health and safety field
- Design better work – and a better work environment – so that it’s easier for people to work well
- Foster a stronger, more engaged health and safety culture
- Improve your organisation’s health and safety performance
- Put your people in a position to thrive and your organisation in a position to succeed
We offer world-class services in the following areas:
Partner with the best. We do.
Leading Safety is at the international forefront of thinking and practice when it comes to the leadership of workplace health and safety. Our clients are committed to their own growth as leaders – as well as to nurturing leadership in others – in service of better supporting their people to thrive and their organisations to succeed.
We will strengthen your leadership capability and confidence
We will help you design physically and mentally healthy work
We will connect you with the latest in health and safety thinking
Partners who trust us

Keep up to date with all that’s happening in health and safety governance, leadership, and culture.
Your spark can become a flame
and change everything.– E.D. Nixon