Leaders in the field of leadership
Our mission is to help you lead in a way that ensures your people thrive and your organisation succeeds
Our Approach
We focus on the vital role senior leaders (directors, CEOs, executives, etc.) play in workplace health and safety. A high degree of leadership capability and confidence is essential in order to play that role to its fullest. It’s simply too important to leave to this to chance.
We take this approach because:
- Senior leaders, particularly directors and CEOs, also have a legal obligation to protect workers from physical and mental harm, and
- Evidence shows it’s also the most effective way for leaders to create workplaces where people thrive and organisations succeed.
Leading Safety specialises in health and safety governance, leadership, and culture and has implemented improvement and development processes in organisations from a wide variety of high-hazard sectors in New Zealand and Australia. Leading Safety also works closely with the Business Leaders’ Health and Safety Forum, which brings together 400+ business and government CEOs committed to improving the performance of workplace health and safety in New Zealand.
The universe is made up of stories, not atoms.
–Muriel Rukeyser
Our People
Dr Hillary Bennett
Hillary has worked as both an internal and external health and safety consultant to a wide range of private, government, and non-government organisations across many sectors in New Zealand and Australia. In 2011, she established Leading Safety with Philip Voss.
Hillary has a strong focus on designing mentally healthy work. She developed the Business Leaders’ Health and Safety Forum guides Mental Health and Wellbeing at Work and Protecting Mental Wellbeing at Work. Both sense-making frameworks have been used extensively in government agencies and private organisations.
Hillary is a regular presenter at national and international health and safety forums. In 2019, she received the Lifetime Achievement Award at the New Zealand Workplace Health and Safety Awards.

Dr Philip Voss
Philip is a respected leadership coach, facilitator, and speaker. Passionate about the role leaders can play in effecting positive change, Philip’s empathic approach and ability to translate the complex into the practical have contributed to his success in supporting organisational leaders lift their game when it comes to rangatiratanga (leadership) and manaakitanga (looking after people).
Philip co-founded Leading Safety with Hillary Bennett in 2011 after careers in academia and professional services. Philip has a PhD in Psychology and is a member of the Institute of Directors in New Zealand.
Keri Woods
Keri is an accredited Global Leadership Wellbeing Survey (GLWS®) practitioner who has a passion for helping senior leaders achieve their leadership potential by protecting and sustaining their wellbeing. Keri has a knack for asking the searching questions that take conversations where they need to go.
Keri’s background is in human resources, organisational psychology, counselling, facilitation, and executive coaching. She holds an MA in psychology, a Post Graduate Diploma in Counselling, a Diploma in Teaching, and is a mother of three.

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed people can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.
- Margaret Mead